Heal Yourself. Heal Your Lineage.

I help people reconnect with their true selves and essence through ancestral healing, energy work, and psychic intuition. By guiding individuals to heal themselves, I believe we can collectively heal the world.

Chris P. - WA

“Jane, if I could tell you the ways in which your words and the message they imparted have freed me, body, mind and soul these past few days since the healing… There are no words. But I’m still trying! :) Your gentleness in approach and the way you’ve noticed things today that I haven’t told a soul, that I’ve kept secret… Remarkable. Additionally, the path of healing you’re laying out with such groundedness is so helpful. I’m forever thankful!”

How incredible would it feel to love yourself unconditionally?

  • Do you feel blocked, unhappy or in need of clarity?

  • Are your thoughts and emotions out of balance, leaving you feeling disconnected, depressed or desperate for change?

  • Are you feeling called to go deeper within yourself to feel closer to spirit?

    I get it! I’ve been there too. I have spent my entire life searching for meaning to it all, and through that search I have learned a few things. I am here to share my tools, techniques and healing with you. The same things that I have used on myself, allowing me to feel deep connection and self-love, giving me the keys to living a happier life. So ask yourself, how good would it feel to come into alignment with your own divine feminine and masculine? How incredible would it feel to love yourself unconditionally? Allow me to help guide you back to yourself. I can help you find deep self-love, giving you the key to your own happiness.

I am a mama of two girls and wife to an incredible man, but this life wasn’t always a part of the plan. Growing up in rural Minnesota, I craved adventure from an early age and spent years in search of something that felt much bigger than myself. My adventures led me thru 30 moves, 6 states, and 5 continents, all in pursuit of two things: True Love and Spiritual Truth. Along the road, I found myself stripped down to my essence. These life experiences have informed my work as an intuitive healer such that I am deeply rooted in my being, connected to spirit, and excited to serve in raising the collective consciousness.

I grew up rejecting my feminine self and took on the cultural conditioning of who and what women are supposed to be. This always felt incorrect and out of alignment to me, but it was how being a woman was modeled. In my life moving forward, as an artist and expressive person, using many different healing modalities throughout my life, from acupuncture to ecstatic dancing, I found a way to reclaim my own Divine Feminine. My personal journey of working at depth with my own body was evidence of the inherent healing power of the body. This healing potential exists in all of us.

It is my deepest passion to guide humans to uproot and heal their individual and collective trauma, so that we can all experience the true miracle of your own body and come into unity and harmony with each other as we move forward in our human evolution.

Through deep inner work, I figured out how to unpack much of society’s cultural conditioning and find my own unique expression of my Divine Masculine/Feminine. Using quantum healing, intuitive energy work, psychic gifts, shamanism, and healing on the soul level, I would love to help you find that inside you, too.

Hi! My Name Is Jane Bear.