Heal Yourself. Heal The World.


My Approach.

I approach healing by first looking to the body as a guide, leading us towards transformation, healing, alignment and wholeness, with the knowing that you are already free.

After practicing yoga for nearly two decades and studying with teachers around the country, I received my RYT certification from Jennifer Lynn of Wisdom Flow Yoga. The classes I teach are for all levels & all bodies.

I am a Certified Reiki Master, attuned by Sue Averett, and I was born with many Psychic gifts. I am a certified Master Psychic Healer graduating as an apprentice from Lisa Campion’s two year Psychic Healer Academy. During this training I was given access to The Akashic Records, the ability to perform Psychic Surgery, went deeper into Shamanism and Spirit Animals, speaking to Angels and Guides, as well as deepening my mediumship abilities between the living and the passed on. I was given access to the quantum field by the angels and became a Quantum Healer who uses these abilities to work on the Soul Level. I am also in a mentorship program with Robert Tumm, learning clearing and healing techniques that incorporate unique, leading-edge protocols to diagnose and resolve blockages and interference in the human energy field. These sophisticated spiritual energy technology is used to identify, quantify, and extract any type of negative energetic contamination as well as internal factors such as old karmic records and patterns.

My personal journey of working at depth within my own body, including healing chronic knee pain after two knee surgeries in my teens, created evidence of the inherent healing power of the human body. This healing potential exists in all of us and my role is to support people in accessing it, feeling it, embodying it, and living it to embrace health and wealth. As a psychic, empath, intuitive, and healer, I guide my clients in accessing the underlying root cause of their physical and emotional conditions through gentle touch and a deep personal attunement. Whether it's complex trauma, chronic pain, injuries, or immunity concerns, I'm dedicated to helping you witness and experience the true miracle of your own body with the belief that we each have the innate ability to heal ourselves.

The healing arts inspire me as much as the visual arts. I believe we access spirit through our own individual creative expression. I hold the wisdom gained in my travels, my work as an artist and photographer (JaneBearPhotography.com), and combine them with the intention to serve our global community.

It truly is an honor to do the work that I do.